


package models

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. models
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AccountsChanged (type: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  2. case class ActionField (name: String, text: String, type: String, style: Option[String] = None, value: Option[String] = None, confirm: Option[ConfirmField] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class App (id: String, name: String) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class AppsChanged (app: App, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  5. case class AppsUninstalled (app_id: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  6. case class Attachment (fallback: Option[String] = None, callback_id: Option[String] = None, color: Option[String] = None, pretext: Option[String] = None, author_name: Option[String] = None, author_link: Option[String] = None, author_icon: Option[String] = None, title: Option[String] = None, title_link: Option[String] = None, text: Option[String] = None, fields: Seq[AttachmentField] = Seq.empty, image_url: Option[String] = None, thumb_url: Option[String] = None, actions: Seq[ActionField] = Seq.empty, mrkdwn_in: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class AttachmentField (title: String, value: String, short: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class AuthIdentity (url: String, team: String, user: String, team_id: String, user_id: String) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class BotAdded (bot: JsValue) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  10. case class BotChanged (bot: JsValue) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  11. case class BotMessage (ts: String, channel: String, text: String, bot_id: String, username: Option[String]) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  12. case class Channel (id: String, name: String, created: Long, creator: String, is_archived: Option[Boolean], is_member: Option[Boolean], is_general: Option[Boolean], is_channel: Option[Boolean], is_group: Option[Boolean], is_mpim: Option[Boolean], num_members: Option[Int], members: Option[Seq[String]], topic: Option[ChannelValue], purpose: Option[ChannelValue], last_read: Option[String], latest: Option[JsValue], unread_count: Option[Int], unread_count_display: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class ChannelArchive (channel: String, user: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  14. case class ChannelCreated (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  15. case class ChannelDeleted (channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  16. case class ChannelHistoryChanged (latest: Long, ts: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  17. case class ChannelJoined (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  18. case class ChannelLeft (channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  19. case class ChannelMarked (channel: String, ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  20. case class ChannelRename (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  21. case class ChannelUnarchive (channel: String, user: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  22. case class ChannelValue (value: String, creator: String, last_set: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  23. case class CommandsChanged (event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  24. case class ConfirmField (text: String, title: Option[String] = None, ok_text: Option[String] = None, cancel_text: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  25. case class EditMessage (user: String, text: String, ts: String) extends Product with Serializable
  26. case class EmojiChanged (event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  27. case class FileChange (file_id: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  28. case class FileCommentAdded (file_id: String, comment: JsValue) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  29. case class FileCommentDeleted (file_id: String, comment: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  30. case class FileCommentEdited (file_id: String, comment: JsValue) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  31. case class FileCreated (file_id: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  32. case class FileDeleted (file_id: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  33. case class FilePrivate (file: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  34. case class FilePublic (file_id: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  35. case class FileShared (file_id: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  36. case class FileUnshared (file_id: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  37. case class Group (id: String, name: String, is_group: Boolean, created: Long, creator: String, is_archived: Boolean, members: Seq[String], topic: GroupValue, purpose: GroupValue, last_read: Option[String], latest: Option[JsValue], unread_count: Option[Int], unread_count_display: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
  38. case class GroupArchive (channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  39. case class GroupClose (user: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  40. case class GroupHistoryChanged (latest: Long, ts: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  41. case class GroupJoined (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  42. case class GroupLeft (channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  43. case class GroupMarked (channel: String, ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  44. case class GroupOpen (user: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  45. case class GroupRename (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  46. case class GroupUnarchive (channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  47. case class GroupValue (value: String, creator: String, last_set: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  48. case class Hello (type: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  49. case class Im (id: String, is_im: Boolean, user: String, created: Long, is_user_deleted: Option[Boolean]) extends Product with Serializable
  50. case class ImClose (user: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  51. case class ImCreated (user: String, channel: Im) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  52. case class ImHistoryChanged (latest: Long, ts: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  53. case class ImMarked (channel: String, ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  54. case class ImOpened (user: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  55. case class ManualPresenceChange (presence: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  56. case class Message (ts: String, channel: String, user: String, text: String, is_starred: Option[Boolean]) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  57. case class MessageChanged (message: EditMessage, previous_message: EditMessage, ts: String, event_ts: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  58. case class MessageDeleted (ts: String, deleted_ts: String, event_ts: String, channel: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  59. sealed trait MessageSubtype extends AnyRef
  60. case class MessageWithSubtype (ts: String, channel: String, user: String, text: String, is_starred: Option[Boolean], messageSubType: MessageSubtype) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  61. case class MpImClose (user: String, channel: String, event_ts: String, converted_to: Option[String]) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  62. case class MpImJoined (channel: Channel) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  63. case class MpImOpen (user: String, channel: String, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  64. case class PinAdded (type: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  65. case class PinRemoved (type: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  66. case class PrefChange (name: String, value: JsValue) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  67. case class PresenceChange (user: String, presence: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  68. case class Reaction (name: String, users: Seq[String], count: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  69. case class ReactionAdded (reaction: String, item: ReactionItem, event_ts: String, user: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  70. trait ReactionItem extends AnyRef
  71. case class ReactionItemFile (file: String) extends ReactionItem with Product with Serializable
  72. case class ReactionItemFileComment (file: String, file_comment: String) extends ReactionItem with Product with Serializable
  73. case class ReactionItemMessage (channel: String, ts: String) extends ReactionItem with Product with Serializable
  74. case class ReactionRemoved (reaction: String, item: ReactionItem, event_ts: String, user: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  75. case class ReconnectUrl (type: String, url: Option[String]) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  76. case class Reply (ok: Boolean, reply_to: Long, ts: String, text: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  77. case class SlackComment (id: String, timestamp: Long, user: String, comment: String) extends Product with Serializable
  78. sealed trait SlackEvent extends AnyRef
  79. case class SlackFile (id: String, created: Long, timestamp: Long, name: Option[String], title: String, mimetype: String, filetype: String, pretty_type: String, user: String, mode: String, editable: Boolean, is_external: Boolean, external_type: String, size: Long, url: Option[String], url_download: Option[String], url_private: Option[String], url_private_download: Option[String], initial_comment: Option[SlackComment]) extends Product with Serializable
  80. case class SlackFileId (id: String) extends Product with Serializable
  81. case class StarAdded (user: String, item: JsValue, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  82. case class StarRemoved (user: String, item: JsValue, event_ts: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  83. case class Team (id: String, name: String, domain: String, email_domain: String, msg_edit_window_mins: Int, over_storage_limit: Boolean, prefs: JsValue, plan: String) extends Product with Serializable
  84. case class TeamDomainChange (url: String, domain: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  85. case class TeamJoin (user: User) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  86. case class TeamMigrationStarted (type: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  87. case class TeamPlanChanged (plan: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  88. case class TeamPrefChanged (name: String, value: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  89. case class TeamRename (name: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  90. case class UpdateResponse (ok: Boolean, channel: String, ts: String, text: String) extends Product with Serializable
  91. case class User (id: String, name: String, deleted: Option[Boolean], color: Option[String], profile: Option[UserProfile], is_bot: Option[Boolean], is_admin: Option[Boolean], is_owner: Option[Boolean], is_primary_owner: Option[Boolean], is_restricted: Option[Boolean], is_ultra_restricted: Option[Boolean], has_2fa: Option[Boolean], has_files: Option[Boolean], tz: Option[String], tz_offset: Option[Int], presence: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  92. case class UserChange (user: User) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable
  93. case class UserProfile (first_name: Option[String], last_name: Option[String], real_name: Option[String], email: Option[String], skype: Option[String], phone: Option[String], image_24: String, image_32: String, image_48: String, image_72: String, image_192: String) extends Product with Serializable
  94. case class UserTyping (channel: String, user: String) extends SlackEvent with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. implicit val accountsChangedFmt: OFormat[AccountsChanged]
  2. implicit val actionFieldFmt: OFormat[ActionField]
  3. implicit val appFmt: OFormat[App]
  4. implicit val appsChangedFmt: OFormat[AppsChanged]
  5. implicit val appsUninstalledFmt: OFormat[AppsUninstalled]
  6. implicit val attachmentFieldFmt: OFormat[AttachmentField]
  7. implicit val attachmentFmt: OFormat[Attachment]
  8. implicit val authIdentityFmt: OFormat[AuthIdentity]
  9. implicit val botAddedFmt: OFormat[BotAdded]
  10. implicit val botChangedFmt: OFormat[BotChanged]
  11. implicit val botMessageFmt: OFormat[BotMessage]
  12. implicit val channelArchiveFmt: OFormat[ChannelArchive]
  13. implicit val channelCreatedFmt: OFormat[ChannelCreated]
  14. implicit val channelDeletedFmt: OFormat[ChannelDeleted]
  15. implicit val channelFmt: OFormat[Channel]
  16. implicit val channelHistoryChangedFmt: OFormat[ChannelHistoryChanged]
  17. implicit val channelJoinedFmt: OFormat[ChannelJoined]
  18. implicit val channelLeftFmt: OFormat[ChannelLeft]
  19. implicit val channelMarkedFmt: OFormat[ChannelMarked]
  20. implicit val channelRenameFmt: OFormat[ChannelRename]
  21. implicit val channelUnarchiveFmt: OFormat[ChannelUnarchive]
  22. implicit val channelValueFmt: OFormat[ChannelValue]
  23. implicit val commandsChangedFmt: OFormat[CommandsChanged]
  24. implicit val confirmFieldFmt: OFormat[ConfirmField]
  25. implicit val editMessageFmt: OFormat[EditMessage]
  26. implicit val emojiChangedFmt: OFormat[EmojiChanged]
  27. implicit val fileChangeFmt: OFormat[FileChange]
  28. implicit val fileCommentAddedFmt: OFormat[FileCommentAdded]
  29. implicit val fileCommentDeletedFmt: OFormat[FileCommentDeleted]
  30. implicit val fileCommentEditedFmt: OFormat[FileCommentEdited]
  31. implicit val fileCreatedFmt: OFormat[FileCreated]
  32. implicit val fileDeletedFmt: OFormat[FileDeleted]
  33. implicit val filePrivateFmt: OFormat[FilePrivate]
  34. implicit val filePublicFmt: OFormat[FilePublic]
  35. implicit val fileSharedFmt: OFormat[FileShared]
  36. implicit val fileUnsharedFmt: OFormat[FileUnshared]
  37. implicit val groupArchiveFmt: OFormat[GroupArchive]
  38. implicit val groupCloseFmt: OFormat[GroupClose]
  39. implicit val groupFmt: OFormat[Group]
  40. implicit val groupHistoryChangedFmt: OFormat[GroupHistoryChanged]
  41. implicit val groupJoinFmt: OFormat[GroupJoined]
  42. implicit val groupLeftFmt: OFormat[GroupLeft]
  43. implicit val groupMarkedFmt: OFormat[GroupMarked]
  44. implicit val groupOpenFmt: OFormat[GroupOpen]
  45. implicit val groupRenameFmt: OFormat[GroupRename]
  46. implicit val groupUnarchiveFmt: OFormat[GroupUnarchive]
  47. implicit val groupValueFmt: OFormat[GroupValue]
  48. implicit val helloFmt: OFormat[Hello]
  49. implicit val imCloseFmt: OFormat[ImClose]
  50. implicit val imCreatedFmt: OFormat[ImCreated]
  51. implicit val imFmt: OFormat[Im]
  52. implicit val imHistoryChangedFmt: OFormat[ImHistoryChanged]
  53. implicit val imMarkedFmt: OFormat[ImMarked]
  54. implicit val imOpenedFmt: OFormat[ImOpened]
  55. implicit val manualPresenceChangeFmt: OFormat[ManualPresenceChange]
  56. implicit val messageChangedFmt: OFormat[MessageChanged]
  57. implicit val messageDeletedFmt: OFormat[MessageDeleted]
  58. implicit val messageFmt: OFormat[Message]
  59. implicit val messageReply: OFormat[Reply]
  60. implicit val messageSubtypeChannelNameMessageFmt: OFormat[ChannelNameMessage]
  61. implicit val messageSubtypeFileShareMessageFmt: OFormat[FileShareMessage]
  62. implicit val messageSubtypeHandledSubtypeFmt: OFormat[UnhandledSubtype]
  63. implicit val messageSubtypeMeMessageFmt: OFormat[MeMessage]
  64. implicit val messageWithSubtypeWrites: Writes[MessageWithSubtype]
  65. implicit val mpImCloseFmt: OFormat[MpImClose]
  66. implicit val mpImJoinFmt: OFormat[MpImJoined]
  67. implicit val mpImOpenFmt: OFormat[MpImOpen]
  68. implicit val pinAddedFmt: OFormat[PinAdded]
  69. implicit val pinRemovedFmt: OFormat[PinRemoved]
  70. implicit val prefChangeFmt: OFormat[PrefChange]
  71. implicit val presenceChangeFmt: OFormat[PresenceChange]
  72. implicit val reactionAddedFmt: OFormat[ReactionAdded]
  73. implicit val reactionFileCommentFmt: OFormat[ReactionItemFileComment]
  74. implicit val reactionFileFmt: OFormat[ReactionItemFile]
  75. implicit val reactionFmt: OFormat[Reaction]
  76. implicit val reactionItemReads: Reads[ReactionItem]
  77. implicit val reactionItemWrites: Writes[ReactionItem]
  78. implicit val reactionMsgFmt: OFormat[ReactionItemMessage]
  79. implicit val reactionRemovedFmt: OFormat[ReactionRemoved]
  80. implicit val reconnectUrlFmt: OFormat[ReconnectUrl]
  81. implicit val slackCommentFmt: OFormat[SlackComment]
  82. implicit val slackEventReads: Reads[SlackEvent]
  83. implicit val slackEventWrites: Writes[SlackEvent]
  84. implicit val slackFileFmt: OFormat[SlackFile]
  85. implicit val slackFileIdFmt: OFormat[SlackFileId]
  86. implicit val starAddedFmt: OFormat[StarAdded]
  87. implicit val starRemovedFmt: OFormat[StarRemoved]
  88. implicit val subMessageReads: Reads[MessageWithSubtype]
  89. implicit val teamDomainChangeFmt: OFormat[TeamDomainChange]
  90. implicit val teamFmt: OFormat[Team]
  91. implicit val teamJoinFmt: OFormat[TeamJoin]
  92. implicit val teamMigrationStartedFmt: OFormat[TeamMigrationStarted]
  93. implicit val teamPlanChangedFmt: OFormat[TeamPlanChanged]
  94. implicit val teamPrefChangedFmt: OFormat[TeamPrefChanged]
  95. implicit val teamRenameFmt: OFormat[TeamRename]
  96. implicit val updateResponseFmt: OFormat[UpdateResponse]
  97. implicit val userChangeFmt: OFormat[UserChange]
  98. implicit val userFmt: OFormat[User]
  99. implicit val userProfileFmt: OFormat[UserProfile]
  100. implicit val userTypingFmt: OFormat[UserTyping]
  101. object MessageSubtypes

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
